
By 3sha

I feel like a person from the Matrix.

The Bentosa treament left varying round bruises on the length of my back. Was it painful? hell yeah. The suction cups felt like they were stripping away my skin. But after everything else, after they take away the glass from your back, you feel so light. It's great for anyone one with back pains. A few minutes more and you'll blush up, that just means your blood has circulated.

4 comments so far.

  1. curiouskitty 2:21 PM
    ouchie! pero trisha ang sexy mo ah. :-)
  2. 3sha 10:33 AM
    haha...thank you sa banat, photoshop, at shadows! hahaha
  3. adi 10:46 AM
    Sexy! Although, honestly, kadiri yung spots ah. I hate dots.
  4. 3sha 11:51 AM
    Feeling nanggaling ako sa matrix dyan hahah ^_^

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